Sunday, 30 December 2018

5 types of power in organizations

types of power in organizations

A leader or Manager often order her subordinates or team member to do or not do something. With the giving of the commandments and obey by his subordinates, means the Manager or Leader has use his power within the organization.

So basically, is the Power (Power) is the ability of affecting others to be willing to do anything it wants. The ability to influence others is the essence of leadership. Basically, the powers of a person in a company is derive from the current position or authority within the organization.

The use of power by a leader in the cause of two of the impact, namely the impact of positive and negative effects. The use of an effective Power will increase the motivation of his subordinates so that it can complete its work properly. On the contrary, the use of power by an ineffective leader will result in a negative impact so that job or task given to him not in a well-execute.

The types of Power (Power) in the Organization

To better understand the powers possess by the leader or Manager, we should know the kinds of Power. Here are the 5 types of power in an organization.

  1. The powers of Retribution (Reward Power)

    As the name suggests, this type of Power is the power that uses Retribution or Reward. To influence someone to be willing to do things according to his desire. Retribution or Reward may be salary, wages, bonuses, promotions, Praise, recognition or placement of the more interesting task. But through the Power of this retribution. A leader/Manager can also delay the awarding of Reward (retribution). As punishment if his subordinates didn't do what had been order.

    Powers of Retribution (reward) arose because of the position or Office of a person. Who allows her reward or rewards against jobs or tasks perform by others. An example of a manager who has the power to conduct a performance assessment. So that it can determine the magnitude of the increase in salary toward his subordinates.

  1. Powers of Coercion (Coercive Power)

    The powers of Coercion or Coercive Power is more incline to the use of threats or punishment to influence someone to be willing to do something in accordance with his wishes. This is the opposite of force powers or the negative side of the power of Retribution (Reward Power). Examples of threats or punishment is impose if it doesn't follow the orders instruct among others such as the awarding of the warning letter, the decrease in salaries, a decrease in the Office and even labor dismissal or layoffs.

  1. Power reference (Referent Power)

    Power Reference or Referent Power this is a power which is obtain on the basis of admiration. Example, charisma and personality of a leader. For example, Gandhi who led millions of people because of the personality and Charismatic.

  1. Legitimate Power

    Power is legitimate or Legitimate Power is derive from official positions assume by someone. Be it in an organization, a Government or bureaucracy. Legitimate power is the Power obtain from the consequences of the hierarchy in the organization.

    A person who occupied a particular position in an organization has the right and authority. To give orders and instructions and to them as subordinates or team members are oblige to follow instructions or orders.

  1. Power of expertise (Expert Power)

    Power skill or Expert Power is emerging because of expertise or skill that is own by someone. Often a person who has specific experience and expertise has the power of experts. Within an organization even though that person is not the Manager or leader. Individuals who have the skills/expertise is usually held to be by her manager to guide other employees properly.


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