Thursday, 27 December 2018

Marketing Strategy | segmentation | targeting | positioning

Marketing is A societal process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering and freely exchanging products and services of value with others. "
While the notion of Marketing strategy i.e. "The marketing logic by which the business unit says to achieve its marketing objective."

The definition of a marketing strategy is a statement of the subject matter of the expected impact will be achieved in terms of the request on the specified target market.

Segmenting (Segmentation)

The segmentation is The process of dividing a larger market into smaller pieces. Base on one or more meaningful, shared the last American". By implementing market segmentation, marketing activities can be made more directional. The company owned resources can be use more effectively and efficiently in order to provide satisfaction for consumers.

In addition, the company can conduct marketing programs to meet the needs of the separate characteristic of each segment. There are multiple variables i.e. segmentation:


Segmentation is done by dividing the market into groups based on demographic variables as: age, gender, the size of the family, income, race, education, occupation, geographical.

Psycho graphic breakdown

Segmentation is done by dividing the market into different groups according to social class, lifestyle, personality, and others. Demographic information is very useful, but does not always provide enough information to divide consumers into segments, so that the need segments base on psycho graphic to better understand the characteristics of the consumers.


Segmentation is done by dividing the consumers into segments base on how behaviors, feelings, and how consumers use goods/situation of usage, and brand loyalty. How to make this segment of the market is divide into users and non-users of the product?

In order for the market segment can be useful then it should meet some characteristics:

  • Measurable: size, buying power, and profile segments should be measure although there are some variables that are difficult to measure.

  • Accessible: market segment should be accessible and be serve effectively.

  • Substantial: market segment must be sufficiently large and profitable to be serve.

  • Differential: segments can be separate conceptually and give a different response against the elements and mix different marketing.

  • Actionable: effective Programs can be create to attract and serve the segments in question.
    Steps in developing a segmentation that is:

  1. Segment the market use request variables, such as consumer needs, the benefit is sought, and the situation of usage.

  2. Describe the market segment is identify by using the variables that can help companies understand how to serve the needs of the consumer and how to communicate with consumers.


The Target market is the "Group that selects a firm to turn into customers as a result of segmentation and targeting".

Once the market is divide in segments, then the company should decide a strategy target market.
Companies can choose from four market coverage strategy:

  1. Undifferentiated targeting strategy, this strategy assumes a market as a huge market with similar needs, so that only There is a marketing mix that is use to serve all markets.
    Companies rely on the production, distribution, and advertising of the masses in order to create a superior image in the eyes of most consumers.

  2. Differentiate targeting strategy, the company produces several products that have different characteristics. Consumers need variation and changes so that the company strives to offer a wide range of products that can meet the needs of the variation.

  3. Concentrate targeting strategy, the company is focusing more on offering some one segment that is consider the most potential.

  4. Custom targeting strategy, more leads to the approach to the consumers on an individual basis.
    Steps in developing a targeting are:

To evaluate the attractiveness of each segment by using variable-variables that can quantify the likelihood of demand from each segment, the cost of serving each segment, and alignment of the company's core competencies and target market opportunities.  Select one or more target segments that would like to be serve base on the profit potential of these segments and for compliance with the company's corporate strategy.


The Positioning is "Developing a marketing strategy aim at influencing how a particular market segment perceives a good or service in comparison to the competition ". Positioning the market shows how a product can be distinguish from its competitors.

There's some positioning can be done:

  • Positioning base on difference product. This approach can be made if the product is a company has more power compare to competitors and consumers should feel the true presence of the distinction and its benefits.

  • Positioning base on product attributes or benefits of the product. This approach seeks to identify what attributes that belong to a product and the benefits felt by consumer top of that product.

  • Positioning base on users of the product. This approach is almost the same with targeting where more emphasis on who are the users of the product.

  • Positioning base on usage of the product. This approach is use with differentiate at the time what the product is consume.

  • Positioning base on competitors. This approach is use by comparing excellence. Which was own by competitor. So that consumers can choose which products are better.

  • Positioning base on product categories. This approach is use to compete directly in the product category, primarily intend for solving the problems frequently encounter by customers.

  • Positioning base on Association. This approach to associate the products produce with the Association that is own by another product. The expectation is that most associations can provide a positive impression against products produce by the company.

  • Positioning base on the problem. This approach is use to indicate to consumers that the products offer have the positioning to be able to solve the problem.

Steps in developing a strategy for positioning are:

  1. Identify competitive advantage. If the company can determine his own position as a superior value to select targets, he gain a comparative advantage.

  2. In offering products with a competitive advantage, companies must provide a reason. Why customers will feel that the products of the company in question is better than its competitors.

  3. The company must evaluate the response of the target market that can modify the strategy when need.

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