Monday 17 December 2018

Planning Effort

Planning Effort

The purpose of the Family Planning Program Effort Index is to assess the strength of FP programs worldwide and to measure changes over time. Understanding What planning business (business plan)? To understand it, we must first understand the meaning of the term and meaning of the term business planning.

In economics, the business or business are all activities carried out by individuals or groups of individuals are carried out legally by using and combining resources or factors of production to providing goods and/or services to the community with the aim to benefit financially, that business profits or business profits (business profits).

Introduction to Planning Effort

From the above limitations can we note that, in a business or businesses will always be associate with hope (expectation), which hopes to gain an advantage in the future. We know very well; the certainty of the future is uncertainty. Thus, hope to take advantage of its nature is full of uncertainty.

That is, it can be profitable and could also not beneficial. So a business always contains risks.

Because it's so that the effort will be carried out successfully, it should be made planning first. Planning is a management function that is associated with the selection of the vision, mission and objectives, strategies, policies, procedures, rules, programs and budgets.

From the second the notion above can now be define sense of planning effort that is as the process of determining the vision, mission and objectives, strategies, policies, procedures, rules, program and budget need to run a business or a particular business. So in planning efforts embody presence:

  1. Vision, namely the future goals of the company that will do the business.

  2. Mission is the intent of the typical or unique and fundamental that distinguish the company with other companies as well as to identify the scope of the business activities of the company are concern.

  3. Goal to be achieve is the result of a business/company. 19 modules, create a business plan.

  4. Strategy is the way travel to reach the goal of effort by involving all the resources or factors of production.

In the business world is known for some of the usual strategy of the company is apply as follows:

  • Defender, who direct business strategy to achieve and maintain a narrow segment of the market from the rest of the potential market there.

  • The Prospector, who direct business strategy aggressively to grab the market widely through innovation new products commercial.

  • Analyzer, business strategies that run through imitation, i.e. imitating what Prospector. Business strategy as it aims to grab profit by minimizing risk.

  • Leadership in costs (cost-leadership strategy), business strategy gear to reach the market through a product price as wide as possible cheapest cheapness.

  • The differentiation (of finding a strategy), business strategy gear to reach the market through the existence of the uniqueness of the resulting product. Uniqueness can be characterize by high quality, excellent service, as well as the design of an innovative product.

  • Focus (focus strategy), business strategies are direct in a narrow market segments that run through the focus in leadership costs (cost focus) or focus in differentiation (finding a focus).

The nature and Benefits of planning Efforts. A good business planning in general have the following properties:

  • Focus, meaning that business planning is base on a particular vision, mission and objectives are clear.

  • Rational and factual, it means the planning effort is made on the basis of reasonable thinking,

  • realistic, future-oriented and support by facts which exist.

  • Sustainability and estimation, meaning that planning effort made and prepare for sustainable actions and guesses about future conditions.

  • Preparations and flexible, meaning that planning effort made as preparation, namely the guidelines for the actions to be implement are adapt to the environment of the business at hand.

  • Operational planning efforts, meaning that it is made as simple as possible, detail and able to implement.

If a planning effort has the properties above, by making the planning effort will be retrieve some benefits as follows:

  1. The work or activity can be done on a regular basis and with a goal that is clear.

  2. Avoid work or unproductive activity as well as the use of resources more efficiently.

  3. Provide evaluation tools to determine the success

  4. Provide the Foundation for the surveillance and repair efforts. This means that planning efforts are use to ensure that the goals that have been set are achieve.

  5. Business planning process has been describe that, planning efforts is the process. As a process, then make a planning effort done by following certain steps.

As for the measures in question can be display as follows:

Business Planning Process

Step 1. Identify business opportunities in General, a product potentially successful sale and benefit when bidding for such products still more of his request. Business opportunities arise when market demand is greater than its bid. So business opportunities still are characterize by the presence of the market demand for the product.

Step 2. Determine the type of business that will run base on step identify will be obtain a variety of alternative types of businesses that may be select. From a number of alternatives

  • Identify business opportunities

  • Determine the type of business that will be done

  • Do a business feasibility study

  • Compile, process and business proposal Planning

The next effort carry out the initial assessment to determine the type of business that allows and is seen most profitable. Of course taking into account the various factors that might be a supporter or a barrier to business. Considerations to note include:

  • The amount of capital and the source of the necessary capital.

  • The availability of raw materials either in quality, quantity or

  • Availability of the necessary labor.

  • Prospect marketing product produce.

  • Ways of distribution.

  • Purchasing power against the resulting product consumer Tastes).

Step 3. Doing business feasibility study

feasibility study business (SKU) or feasibility study is the way that is to determine whether or not a viable business idea implement. The meaning of feasible here as seen from various aspects as follows:

Aspects of market and marketing

The feasibility of business seen from the aspect of market and marketing indicate by whether or not there is a market opportunity for earn. A decent type of business carry out in these types of businesses have relatively high market opportunities. Market opportunities imply by the excesses of the request. The excesses of the request occur if the number of requests exceeds the number of its bid.  The higher the demand, the higher the excesses market opportunity, and therefore the worthier of the kind of business to be implement.

Aspects of production

Seen from aspect of production including in regard to the location of the plan effort, facilities and equipment production, the supply of raw materials, as well as the availability of labor. A project said to be worth as seen from aspect of production is characterize by the location of the strategic efforts, the availability of facilities and production equipment, the availability of adequate supplies of raw materials are continuously, as well as the availability of the require workforce.

Financial Aspects

See from the financial aspect with regard to benefits which may be acquire by the investor or entrepreneur. These benefits are refer to as business profits or business profits (business profit), i.e. income earn after deducting with the whole of the costs incur in running the business. Judging from the financial aspect, a type of business worth doing in these types of businesses capable of providing adequate income to investors and/or to entrepreneurs who run the business.

Aspects of organization and management

The feasibility of business seen from the aspect of organization and management with regard to the structure of business ownership, organizational structure, as well as the management team that manages the types of businesses that are planned.

Step 4. Business proposal to make the last step in the process of business planning is to make the proposal efforts. Business proposal is a written document of the planning effort.


1) Planning effort is the process of determining the vision, mission and objectives, strategies, policies, procedures, rules, program. Budget need to run a business or a particular business.

2) A planning effort that is good in general have the following properties. Focus, meaning that business planning is base on a particular vision, mission and objectives are clear. Rational and factual. Which means that business planning is base on a reasonable, realistic, future-oriented and support by facts which exist. Sustainability and estimation, choice of location and product type will determine. The magnitude of cost means that planning effort made and prepare for sustainable actions and guesses about future conditions.

The preparation and flexible, meaning that planning effort made as preparations, namely guidelines for actions. That will be implement that are adjust to the changing business environment facing. Operational planning efforts, meaning that it is made as simple as possible, detail and can be implement.

3) Some of the benefits of planning effort is work or activity can be complete on a regular basis and with a clear goal, avoiding work or unproductive activity as well as the use of resources more efficiently, provide tools evaluation to determine the success effort, and provides a foundation for the surveillance and repair efforts. This means that planning efforts are use to ensure that the goals that have been set are achieve.

4) business planning process includes the following four issues, namely, identifying
business opportunities, determine the type of business that will run, do a feasibility study, and make a proposal for the effort.

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