Monday, 31 December 2018

Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

Total Productive Maintenance

Total Productive Maintenance or abbreviated with a TPM is a system used to maintain and improve the quality of care through production equipment and work equipment like machines, Equipment and tools of work. The main focus of the Total Productive Maintenance or TPM is to ensure all equipment and Production equipment operates in the best possible condition so as to avoid the occurrence of the damage or delay in the production process.

Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is an innovative concept of Japan originating from the implementation of Preventive Maintenance in 1951. The concept of Preventive Maintenance is itself a concept adopted from the United States.

Which is a supplier of Toyota was the first company to introduce the concept of TPM in 1960 with the slogan "Productivity Maintenance with total Employee Participation". Seiichi Nakajima then served as Vice Chairman of the JIOPM (Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance) later became known as the father of TPM.

The Purpose of the Application Of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

Purpose than TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) is to increase productivity on production supplies and equipment with care as necessary Investment so as to prevent large losses occurred on 6 (Six Big Losses) are:

  1. Breakdown
    Loss due to damage to the machine (Working tools and equipment)

  2. Setup and Adjustments
    Damages arising from the need for the preparation of working tools and equipment reset

  3. Small Stops
    Loss due to the onset of the disorder that causes the machine is not able to operate optimally

  4. Slow Running
    Losses occur because the machine running slow does not correspond to the desired speed.

  5. Startup Defects
    Damages arising from defective product occurs at Startup (when the initial machine operation)

  6. Production Defects
    Losses that occur because of the many products that are defective in the production process.
    In addition to these six losses mentioned above, another advantage of the application of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is able to avoid the occurrence of accidents and to create a safe working environment for its employees.

The stages of the application of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

Stages that are required to implement TPM in a company are as follows:

  1. Perform initial Evaluation against the current level of TPM.

  2. Getting familiar, the concept of TPM and promote it.

  3. Form A Committee of TPM.

  4. Establish policies, objectives and targets of TPM.

  5. Formulate a Master Plan for the development of TPM.

  6. Organizes training (training) for all employees and interested parties (stakeholders) are primarily related to the 8 pillars of TPM.

  7. Applying process-the process of preparation.

  8. Run all of the programs and policies of the TPM in order to achieve the goals and targets of the TPM.

The company's management holds a very important role in implementing the TPM Concept in his company. Without support and a strong commitment from management and also cooperation of all employees of the company, program goals and objectives this TPM will be hard to achieved.

Measuring The Success of TPM

In evaluating and measuring the extent to which the success of the application of TPM (Total Productive Maintenance), the main measurement tools used are "Overall Equipment Effectiveness" or abbreviated with "OEE". Mathematically, the formula of the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is as follows:

OEE = Availability x Performance X Quality Rate


Availability = Readiness or readiness of the machine in operating
Performance = number of units of product produced by the machine in the time available
the Quality = A comparison of the number of units of the good by the number of units produced

Equality and Distinction TPM and TQM

Basically, the TPM and TQM Program has many similarities if seen from the empowerment of human resources and in terms of documentation.

Here's some of the equations of TQM and TPM:

  1. Both require a commitment and full support from Top Management

  2. Need to empower the entire human resources starting from the lowest level to the highest level

  3. Its implementation requires a long period of time (one year or more) to be able to see the results

  4. Changing the mind-set of thinking or Responsibility towards Employees his work (Job Responsibilities)

While the Differences among these TQM and TPM as follows:

ObjectQuality (Output and Effect/result)Equipment/tools (Input and causes)
Achievement Of GoalsSystematic management, more oriented to enterprise softwareThe participation of employees, the more hardware-oriented company
TargetQuality in the form of a PPMElimination of losses and wastage

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