Internal auditing is a catalyst for
improving an organization's governance, risk management and management
controls by providing insight and recommendations based on analyses and
assessments of data and business processes.
already expressed in the upper understanding control, in this discussion will be
put forth the notion of internal control. Stating that the internal control or
internal auditing is carried out by the action Manager to find out if the
course work results in accordance with planning or not, so functions of
"planning to detect a mistake as it immediate occurs".
What was the controllable work plans or implementation planning?

on the above, the process of control consists of specific measures on the basis
of all controlling. Regardless of the activity of the on some basic
implementation in the process regarding the internal controls within the
company itself.
according to Sukarno, K, Modern Office Management, (2001:105), stating that:
- Determine the standard or base for control
- The measurements for the work
- Compare the work with standard, determining the difference if any.
- Fix the lapses with the help of an action that is correct ".
In the sense above, stated in a slightly different habits, controlling, comprising in part, as follows:
- Determine what needs to be done or can be expected.
- To determine results with expectations which led to the achievement of business objectives.
- Investigate what will be done.
- Test results is in compliance or not, which then apply in the improvement measures will need to be added.
use of process control for an illustration about spending part of
aktivitas0aktivitas, the news conveyed to sell to specialty retail shops. The
actual order provides certainty to this with a later sell that run as job
the sale have ration sales respectively. This is a standard that can be
compared to the actual volume of the role of the seller to ration the sale of
each can give the size to work at passage. Feedback information about the
deviation between the sales order indicating the basis for corrective action
which can be viewed in order that sales orders procedure is used, the product
demonstrated nicely shows the price and etc., or on the part of the sales
examined again, or the sales procedure changed.
shall be noted that the use of process control it is estimated that the work of
the planning to be complete and clear. Must be at least a little bit of
planning (planning) before the controlling Department.
efforts can really help, whenever any member of an organization to find out the
common objectives and which is sought and all relate to a common goal and
closely from his work unit, section or the Department, which is where the goals
are a reflection and an integral part of all the common goals of the
organization. If a job, whether he was head of the Department or the
supervisor, to know whether to expect himself regularly receive information
either for he knew his relative in the expected limits.
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