Motivational work environment is the challenge in the work environment is to create a culture in which people are motivate by their work. Too often, organizations fail to pay attention to the issues that are most important to employees: relationships, communication, recognition, and involvement.
The motivation of the work and the working environment is an important factor to achieve job satisfaction. With the motivation of teachers and employees in the workplace can lead to the ability to work. With the ability to work then job satisfaction will increase.
The employees will prefer the environment in General, a good work environment will make employees feel comfortable doing the work. So it is not possible a job will be sate in the absence of motivation and a good work environment to get the job is complete. But the truth of this argument needs to be substantiate through research activities in order to provide accurate answers are obtain.
The Issues examine in this study for Motivational work environment are:
(1) Did influence the motivation of working towards job satisfaction?
(2) does the work environment against influence job satisfaction?
(3) how much influence the motivation of the work and the working environment towards job satisfaction?
This research aims to:
(1) to find out whether there is influence the motivation of working towards job satisfaction,
(2) to find out whether there is influence the work environment against job satisfaction,
(3) to find out how big the influence of motivation and the work environment against job satisfaction.
As for the variables examine include the motivation of the work and the working environment as a free variable. While job satisfaction as bound variables. Data taken with the technique of questionnaire, further analyze using regression analysis.
Employee Working & analysis for Motivational work environment
The results show that the motivation from teachers and employees working. The country high in the category of Semarang is 30. Which means most of the interest, which is high, had his salary would be sure, need a sense of security would be sure. The relationships good interpersonal and get a chance to develop.
Partial test results obtain from the of 3.734 with p value = 0.000 < 0.05. Which means the work of influential positive motivation towards job satisfaction. The magnitude of the influence reach 18.8%. The working environment in junior high 30 Example State in the category of good coloration on the walls of the room, cleanliness, air exchange, security lighting, give comfort, even though in terms of sound is still noisy, as close to the motorway and the sound work equipment.
Partial test results obtain from Calculate = 3.469 with p value = 0.001 < 0.05, which means the work environment a positive effect towards job satisfaction. The magnitude of the contribution of the work environment amounting to 16.7%. Simultaneous test results obtain Calculate = 18.631 with p value = 0.000 < 0.05, which means collectively the motivation of work and work environment influential tallying job satisfaction.
Contribution for motivation
The magnitude of the contribution of the motivation and the work environment against the job satisfaction of 38.3%. Base on the results of the research can be drawn conclusions that there is influence. The motivation of the work and the work environment against job satisfaction.
In terms of the working environment, it turns out that the condition of noise arising from outside. That is the sound of a motor vehicle which is not yet inevitable. Therefore, it is recommend that teachers and employees focus more towards his job and working equipment (computer printer, photocopying, etc.) that may cause the noise to be put in a room that is locate far from the room.
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