Tuesday, 1 January 2019

The strategies address the Interpersonal Conflict

Interpersonal Conflict

Interpersonal conflict occurs when a person or group of people frustrates or interferes with another person's efforts at achieving a goal. According to some researchers, Interpersonal conflict can consist of three different components. It is  occurs when a person or group of people frustrates or interferes with another person's efforts at achieving a goal.

Strategy Lose-Lose (Lose-Lose Strategy)

Oriented on two individuals or groups who are both losing. Typically, individuals or groups warring parties take the Middle Road (compromise) or pay a group of people who are involved in conflicts or use the services of a person or group as the third man in the middle.

In the strategy lost-lose, conflicts can be resolve by way of involving third parties when negotiations are experiencing a deadlock. The third party then was invite to intervene by the litigating parties or perhaps acting on his/her preferences themselves. There are two main types in the intervention of third parties, namely:

  • The Arbitration (Arbitration)
    Arbitration is a procedure in which a third party to listen to both sides of the disagreement, a third party acting as a judge and mediator in defining the conflict resolution through a binding agreement.

  • Mediation
    Mediation use by Mediators to resolve conflicts is not as settle by the, as a mediator does not have the authority to directly against the parties who warring parties and recommendations given are not binding.

Win-Lose Strategies (Win-Lose Strategy)

In the strategy I win you lose (win lose strategy), emphasize the existence of one of the parties to the conflict are losing but others obtain the victory.  Some of the ways use to resolve conflict with win-lose strategy can be through:

  • The withdrawal, namely the process of conflict resolution between two or more parties. Who are less satisfy as a result of task dependencies (task independence). Tactics refinement and peace, namely by doing acts of peace by the opposing side. To avoid confrontation towards difference and fuzziness within the boundaries of the field work.

  • Inducement, namely to persuade other parties to change his position to consider factual information relevant to the conflict. Due to barriers of communication (communication barriers).

  • The tactics of coercion and suppression, i.e. the use of formal powers by showing the power through the authoritarian attitudes. Because it is influence by the properties of the individual.

  • The tactics-oriented bargaining and exchange agreement so reach a compromise. That can be accept by the two sides. To resolve conflicts relating to competition against resources (competition for resources) are optimal for the parties concern.

Win-win Strategies

Settlement that is humane, because it uses all the knowledge, attitudes and skills of creating communication and relationships interaction. That can make the parties involve each other feel safe from threats, feel value, creating an atmosphere conducive. To and gain the opportunity to develop the potential of each in settling the conflict. So this strategy help solve the problem of the parties involve in the conflict, not merely a corner people.

A win-win Strategy is rarely use in the Organization and the industry. But there are 2 ways in this strategy that can be use as an alternative to solving interpersonal conflicts, namely:

  • Troubleshooting integrate (Integrative Problem Solving) attempt to resolve in any consensus or combine the needs of both parties.

  • The process of Consultation between the parties (Inter-Party Consultation Process) in the completion of the consultation process. It is usually handle by the consultancy process, where both of them did not have the authority. To resolve conflicts with power or to judge one or both parties involve conflict

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