Preparation for the restoration of production after the destruction of the facility / after Covid 19 pandemic
The readiness of the facility to resume production in a short time is an important indicator of the sustainability of its work.
The higher this readiness, the sooner production can be resumed after the destruction of the facility / after Covid 19 pandemic, the more stable and reliable its work in emergency conditions is assessed.
As a result of an emergency, an object can receive a complete, strong, medium or weak degree of destruction. If the object receives complete or severe destruction, it is unlikely that it will be advisable to re-establish production in emergency conditions.
If the object receives weak or medium destruction, the restoration of production is quite realistic. To restore production after such destruction, the facility and its personnel are prepared in advance.
As a rule, plans and projects for the restoration of production are developed in two versions - in case the object receives weak and medium destruction.
For these conditions, the nature and scope of priority restoration work are determined.
The calculations for the restoration of buildings and structures indicate the nature of the destruction (damage) or even after Covid 19 pandemic, the list and the total amount of restoration work (cost, labor intensity, recovery time);
The needs of the workforce, the construction units of the facility and the organizations servicing the facility;
In the calculations for the repair of equipment are indicated: the type of equipment and its quantity, the list of repair and restoration work and their cost, the necessary labor, materials and spare parts, the recovery time.
In the development of recovery plans and projects, as well as the calculation of forces and means, it is necessary to assume that the restoration of the facility may be temporary. The basis of plans and projects is the requirement to resume production as soon as possible.
Therefore, in restoration projects, it is permissible (within reasonable limits) to derogate from the accepted building, technical and other standards before placing individual elements in temporary lightweight structures, under light canopies and even in the open air.
To reduce the recovery time, simplified building structures, temporary and including inflatable structures are used with the maximum use of the surviving elements, parts and components.
When determining the time for restoration work, the possibility of radioactive contamination of the territory of the facility is taken into account, and when using chemical weapons - and stagnation of toxic substances.
All this can postpone the start of work and reduce their pace.
Restoration of the facility is possible with the preservation of the developed projects, construction and technical documentation:
- Plans
- Schemes
- Instructions
- Technical Specifications
- Manuals for the operation and repair of buildings and structures
- Technological and energy lines
- Units
- Equipment
- Devices, etc.
Of course, these plans and projects will require significant adjustments, since the actual picture of destruction will differ from the one that was laid down in the project. In this regard, a team of designers is created at the site, which develops this documentation.
In the event of the destruction of the facility as a result of an emergency, based on the results of the established destruction, this group makes adjustments to plans and projects for the restoration of production.
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