Friday, 18 February 2022

Communication in the project group

Communication in the project team takes place between the group and the manager on the one hand and between the members of the group on the other.

The relationship between the manager and the group Of the project manager is the authority and responsibility. Its activities include:

  • Planning, management and control of technical tasks;
  • Selection of project partners (materials suppliers, consultants);
  • Control over financial expenses;
  • Control of phased implementation of project tasks;
  • Selection of key (or all) project staff.

In large projects there is a secretariat. The project manager is both the head of the secretariat. The tasks of the Secretariat include:

- Registration, distribution and storage of all documents;

 - Registration of all incoming and outgoing mail;

- Execution of written works;

- Organization of various types of services for the project.

Qualities of a good leader:

- He informs the thoughts and ideas about the project to all members of the group without exception;

- Takes into account the uncharacteristic thinking (open to the opinions of others);

- Gives everyone the opportunity to speak out;

- Does not criticize the absent;

- Spreads optimism, causes positive emotions;

- Future-oriented

- Has a specific idea of the cost and value of project work;

- Focused on external recognition (image) of the group;

- Supports the sociability of the group with the divisions of the company or the organization of the customer of the project.

Relationships within the project team

In the project group, employees of different professions must work together during the period of project actions. Some employees work the entire period of the project, others are needed only for a certain period of time to perform special tasks for part of the project time. The project team often works together already familiar with each other specialists of the company, as well as specialists from other specialized firms or organizations.

In the project group, it is necessary to organize cooperation between specialists from different fields of knowledge and various departments of your own company or outside your own company. The effectiveness of cooperation requires the application of certain rules of conduct (rules of cooperation).

The rules of conduct of group work within the project include:

- All members of the group;

- Full focus on achieving the goal of the group;

- Speak with their views openly and honestly;

Have the same obligations and rights;

- Help each other;

- Conduct a discussion without a social or qualification hierarchy;

- Convey the agreed results only of positive content;

- Do not disseminate uncoordinated results outside the group

- No one hides information.

Even if each member of the project team wishes to successfully act in the process of teamwork, a number of problems may arise. According to some studies, such problems most often require special attention from management:

- Communicative problems (25% of all problems);

- Related to management (15%);

Coordination of various activities (11%);

- Collectivism (5%).

In most cases, it is worth looking for the causes of problems in the nature of the project team members:

  • Specialists sometimes have a tendency to selfishness. The egoist serves only himself and wants to receive recognition. In the team, each member must serve the cause.
  • Many specialists have deep special knowledge and practical experience. Sometimes they do not know how to associate their knowledge with knowledge from other areas of knowledge. Sometimes they lack the breadth of knowledge.
  • Some members of project groups are afraid to cooperate with their colleagues, because they see them as competitors who could use their knowledge.
  • The project team often does not have enough time for "ordinary" work. The working atmosphere can be spoiled by lack of time and savings in financial resources.
  • Sometimes there is a weakness of management and a weak knowledge of the capabilities of colleagues in the group.

The conducted analysis indicate some advantages and disadvantages
organizing a hierarchical project group, which need to be paid

personal attention when organizing project activities on the part of project management.

The conducted analysis indicate some advantages and disadvantages of organizing a hierarchical project group, which require attention when organizing project activities on the part of the project management.

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