Wednesday 2 February 2022

Success factors of the project in practice

1. Orient all participants in value creation to an agreed common long-term goal – the ideal state of the value stream. At the same time, divide the flow into certain stages, its target states. The company must take this step to get closer to the ideal state. It is unclear how this new state should and can be achieved. The result is determined in advance, and the way to achieve it is open to creativity.

2. Decompose the flow of value creation into separate organizational units (segments, plots) managed by people or a team. This approach creates an opportunity to control individual processes and influence them. If this is not done and all production processes are considered as a single flow with its interrelations, the system will be uncontrollable, since functional silos are formed, interconnected only by flows of materials and information.

3. To perform the task of management - the organization of the process of systematic achievement of the goal - use the following algorithm: to determine the parameters of the state of the value flow as a target in the direction of a given ideal goal, the allocated segments or areas in the general value stream should be able, regardless of the problems in other areas, to fulfill their role and achieve the goal. And so that changes in one segment do not directly affect another and are not a decisive reason for not achieving goals, individual segments are connected to each other through a buffer. Mutual influences can be leveled, for example, through stocks (supermarkets with installed mini- and maxi-stocks), capacities (standard and additional capacities used when bottlenecks appear) or time. At the same time, the distribution by shifts and the planned load of each shift is only 70% with the mandatory fulfillment of all planned orders. Only in this case can goals be set for each segment as a standard that, regardless of the problems in the other, must be achieved. If this fails, it is necessary to identify the causes and eliminate them.

4. In order to achieve a long-term process of improvement, first empirically determine in practice whether it is possible to achieve the operational goal regularly. And the best way to do this is without the use of IT. Workers should note each hour what part numbers they processed, their number per hour, and what the plan was. When a fact deviates from the plan, workers write down the reasons for not achieving the result. Then the causes are grouped according to the frequency of their occurrence, and an analysis is carried out according to the Paretto principle. Individual causes are worked out separately and their result is presented. Such a systematic problem-solving cycle is very important for obtaining sustainable improvements in the results of the operational process.

Systematizing, the decision at the level of top management on the need to improve production activities at the enterprise consists of: attracting external specialists, selecting an initiative group and training this group, recruiting and selecting ideas, analyzing them, developing a production optimization program, allocating financing, implementing a production optimization program, monitoring the implementation of this program, analyzing the results of the work done, working on costs that can be done optimize, control over unnecessary operations, improvement of production techniques.

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