The organization and conduct of any research project is necessarily accompanied by an analysis of a specific problem, situation. It is the results of analytical work that serve as the basis for the development of an effective solution, the author's recommendations, the justification of his position.
The main stages of analytical work
The organization and conduct of any research project is necessarily accompanied by an analysis of a specific problem, situation. It is the results of analytical work that serve as the basis for the development of an effective solution, the author's recommendations, the justification of his position.
Analytical work is characteristic not only of students, but also of practicing specialists. The fate of the enterprise as a whole may depend on the correct organization, accuracy of actions and forecasts. Therefore, it is important to know all the nuances, the most effective techniques, etc.
Today we will talk about the main stages of analytical work and the features of its design in student and scientific works.
The main stages of analytical work
Any research project has its limitations, guidelines, and its result should contribute to the solution of an actual and significant problem. To do this, you need to carefully plan each step.
Stage 1. Planning of analytical work.
Even before analyzing the situation, it is necessary to answer a number of questions:
- Analysis of the situation
- Why is it necessary to conduct an analysis of the situation? (purpose)
- What exactly will be investigated? (object, subject)
- What actions need to be taken to assess the situation/problem? (analysis tasks)
- What data is needed to perform the analysis? (types of information)
- The duration of analytical work (in what terms it is necessary to meet the researcher).
- At this stage, the analyst sets a benchmark, outlines the main activities that will contribute to clarifying and assessing the situation, forms a schedule for conducting analytical work, determines the need to attract additional experts (delegation of authority), determines the appropriate analysis methodology and the information base suitable for it. It is important to take into account the period of activity of the organization / object of research, subject to analysis (1 year, 2 years, etc.).
Stage 2. Work in the information field.
After the goal and objectives, the subject and the object have been specified, the methods of analysis must collect the maximum amount of useful and suitable information. Depending on the purpose of the analysis, the following can be used:
- Accounting and financial information;
- Statistical data;
- Results of sociological research;
- Legal documents: charter, contracts, various acts, orders and orders, etc .;
- Certificates and documents from various departments: sales, personnel, import, marketing, etc.
- And so on.
The analyst will not only have to collect all the information about the activities of the object, but also to understand them, to select only the part that will correspond to the purpose and plan of the analysis, will allow you to assess a specific problem and solve it taking into account the capabilities of the object. Before using materials, it is necessary to make sure of their accuracy, reliability and reliability. All dubious and contradictory information should be instantly discarded.
Collection of information
At this stage, the expert collects and processes primary information, checks its reliability and validity, the correctness of filling in and the expediency of use.
As a method of analytical work, an approved methodology can be used or a set of individual techniques can be used. The tools and possibilities of implementing the analysis are determined by the researcher, taking into account the information available to him, the timing of the study, etc.
Stage 3. Direct analysis.
Here, the researcher is directly engaged in the processing of the prepared information base, taking into account the chosen methodology. As a rule, this stage involves the classification of available information by blocks, calculations of various coefficients, assessment of the dynamics of individual indicators, analysis of current indicators with planned / normative.
With the help of the analysis, the expert manages to analyze the specific sphere of activity of the object, diagnose the problem, determine the factors affecting the object and the degree (nature) of their influence, assess the prospects for development, etc.
Implementing Analysis
Who conducts the direct analysis?
Here, the specialist draws a connection between specific facts and the intended goal: what is observed now, what should be sought, what actions need to be taken.
If some points remain little known, unclear, then the researcher will have to deepen the analytical work, requesting additional information for study. In this case, the planned "analysis schedule" may change.
Stage 4. Registration of conclusions, interpretation of the results of the analysis.
This stage is designed to summarize all the implemented actions and specify the results obtained: what was diagnosed, as evidenced by changes in individual indicators, etc.
All calculations are also made here. As a rule, there are no detailed calculations of coefficients and indicators (formulas with the substitution of relevant data, figures) in reports and research papers. It is enough in the theoretical part to describe the analysis methodology used, in the practical part to indicate the results of calculations, to provide information for analysis in tabular form, in the form of graphs, diagrams and diagrams. Under each of these elements there should be a brief and capacious conclusion: what was analyzed, identified, etc.
How to arrange the information received?
Design of analytical work
As the complex of actions is implemented, the analyst needs to correctly formulate a general conclusion, which will reflect as the individual most important deviations, their interpretation (what they affect, how they appear and what they can lead to in the future). It is also necessary to show the unity of the identified deviations in the form of a specific urgent problem that requires an immediate solution.
Stage 5. Development of recommendations for solving the problem identified during the analysis.
Next, the researcher will have to outline an action plan that will solve the diagnosed problem or mitigate its impact on the object, taking into account its capabilities, minimize losses, etc.
Recommendations of the author to solve the identified problems
At this stage, the expert will also have to conduct a number of analytical actions: to assess the effectiveness of the proposed measures, their admissibility and realism (comprehensibility taking into account the capabilities of the object).
Recommendations of experienced specialists on the organization and conduct of analytical work
At the planning stage of activities, it is important to accurately define the goal and objectives, assess your own capabilities for analysis and the need to attract third-party experts. Moreover, in the case of additional personnel, it is important to check the level of their qualifications to make sure of their competence.
To organize and conduct an analysis of the object or its individual side, it is important not only to plan each step competently, but also to delegate authority. A qualified expert will be able to perform the task quickly and correctly, rather than understanding all the nuances himself, studying them and delving into them (which will take more time).
Organization and analysis of the object
When collecting information, pay attention to its authenticity and reliability. The analysis should be based solely on verified and proven facts, so that in the future the proposed action plan to solve the problem is as effective as possible, taking into account the capabilities and abilities of the object, its real position.
Carefully check all the calculations made to make sure that the results obtained are accurate. Otherwise, the analysis of the results of analytical work will be unreliable.
For the convenience of interpreting the collected data, it is necessary to use special analytical tables. In them, the author has in a certain (more often chronological order - by periods, or by a specific feature) data about the object, notes their dynamics and identifies certain patterns. Experienced experts recommend comparing real information with current standards, data from previous periods.
When analyzing the results obtained, it is necessary to assess both the deviation of a particular indicator and the identified negative trends in a single system: what problem they indicate, which of the deviations has a strong impact, etc. In the future, taking into account all the nuances will form a rational and effective action plan.
Registration of analytical work should be carried out taking into account all applicable requirements if the analysis is made in the form of a student or research project, then it is necessary to take into account the methodological recommendations of the university.
If the results of the analytical thought are drawn up at the enterprise in the form of a special report, then it is advisable to take into account the features of its formation (letterhead of the organization, the structure of the report, etc.). To do this, just look at previous similar documents. If problems arise, it is best to contact qualified experts.
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