The achieved development of project management (PM) in the modern world, the accumulated knowledge and experience in PM in various fields, as well as the results of international cooperation in the field of UP have reached the level when it became possible and necessary to integrate knowledge on UP into a single system model. The creation of such a model is due to the following reasons:
As the analysis of various sources shows, today there is no single concept of Project Management, clearly defining the composition of knowledge - functions, processes, procedures, etc.
The development of METHODS and means of UP is determined by the tasks that are necessary to achieve the goals of the project. It can be assumed that the classification of potential TASKS of THE will open up areas for the development of appropriate methods and tools.
The different terminology applied to the same concept and used in the project management literature complicates the understanding between professionals working in this field.
The report examines the methodological system model of the CM to address these problems.
The principal methodological system model of project management consists of three main blocks:
subjects of management;
management objects;
project management process.
Subjects of management
The subjects of management are active participants in the project (program), interacting in the development and adoption of management decisions in the process of its implementation.
The main subjects of project management include:
Key participants of the project:
general contractor,
Project management team:
project manager,
functional project managers are members of the project team.
Objects of management
The objects of the control system can be:
contracts (projects) implemented in organizations or enterprises,
phases of the life cycle of the control object: concept, development, implementation, completion.
Project management process
The project implementation management process is implemented through direct and feedback between the subjects and objects of management and contains:
Levels of management considered from the point of view of the time of project management, which is usually compared with the relevant management entities:
the strategic level covers the entire life cycle of the project and corresponds to the organizational and economic level of the project,
annual level of management - considers the work of the project, the implementation of which is planned during the year,
quarterly level of management – considers the project works, the implementation of which is planned during the quarter,
operational level of management - considers the work of the project, the implementation of which is correspondingly planned within a month, decade, week, day, shift, etc.
Management features including:
project domain management,
project management by time parameters,
cost management in the project,
quality management in the project,
risk management in the project,
personnel management in the project,
management of communications in the project,
management of contracts in the project,
project change management
Stages of the management process, including:
initialization – organization and launch of the project and its parts,
project work planning,
organization and control of the project work,
analysis and regulation of the progress of the project,
closure of the project and its parts.
The methodology for the formation of the functional structure of project management allows for the classification of tasks and procedures possible in project management and project-oriented activities.
The proposed methodological approach allows to identify the composition of problem-oriented complexes of processes (tasks) in managing the implementation of the project, to determine the methods and tools for ensuring effective decision-making at all levels of project management.
As a methodological basis for determining and developing the composition of work on the implementation of complexes of processes (tasks) of project management, it is proposed to use the following foundations of the project management system model:
Subjects of management (Z).
Project Management Team (L).
Objects of management – projects, programs (Q).
Phases of the life cycle of management objects (C).
Control levels (T).
Control Functions (S)
Stages of the management process (F).
The project management system model is a collapsed tree of an excessive set of tasks and procedures that can theoretically be carried out in project management.
As can be seen from the system model of project management, each process (task) is uniquely determined by the components of all levels of the system model built and logically interconnected "from the bottom up".
If we select one element from each level of the system model and consider them sequentially, starting from the lower level - "Stages of the management process" and reaching the upper level - "Subjects of management", we will get a statement of the task that is possible when managing the implementation of the project. The conditions of this task are determined by the elements through which the path (cross-section) of the system model has passed: "Stages of the management process" – "Management functions" – "Control object (its phases of the life cycle)" – "Subjects of management".
So, for example, the task (P) - Planning (F) of financing (S) the annual volume of work (T) in the development phase (C) of the project (Q) for the project manager (L) and the customer (Z) - is determined by the vector:
R n= (F2, S3, T2, C2, Q1, L2, Z2)
The problems used in practice may not include individual classification features of the system model.
The total number of processes (tasks) according to the proposed methodology is determined by the product of the number of components of the considered bases.
A systematic representation of project management tasks, structured according to the elements of the proposed model, will ensure the completeness of the tasks being solved, their information interconnection and the logic of the processes being carried out.
The tasks, the solution of which is necessary to achieve the goals of the project, determine the development of methods and means of THE UP.
Thus, the classification of potential tasks on the basis of a systematic project management model opens up areas for the development of appropriate KP methods and tools.
The proposed approach allows algorithmically to check for the completeness and sufficiency of many processes (tasks) in the control system and to establish the logic and relationships between them.
The methodology is used by key participants and the project team during the creation, operation and development of project management systems.
On the basis of the project management system model, it is possible to integrate its various elements:
In the previous section, the potential tasks of the UE are considered in essence, which are the vertical integration of the "Subjects of Management", "Objects of Management", "Management Process" according to the selected elements of the system model. This allows you to define the tasks (processes) necessary for the investor, customer, general contractor, project manager, etc.
No less important are the tasks defined by various combinations of elements of each level of the system model of UP - horizontal integration. Such integration can combine all or part of the elements (a combination thereof).
As examples, consider:
task (P), which unites all stages of the project management process - "Initialization - Planning - Organization and control of implementation - Analysis and regulation - Closure" and ensuring their logical and information interconnection:
R n= (F1, F2, F3, F4)
task (P), combining a combination of elements (management of "time", cost, personnel, contracts) of the level "Project management functions":
R n= (S2, S3, S6, S8)
The most practical importance and application are the tasks determined by the horizontal-vertical or mixed integration of the elements of the system model of the UE.
As examples, consider the complex task (R) - "Control and regulation of all project management functions at the stage of its implementation":
R n= (F3, F4, S1, S2, S3, S4 S5, S6, S7, S8, S9, C3)
The proposed system model for NC is:
methodological tools for the generation and system design of an integral integrated management system for the implementation of large projects, which can be used to develop:
complexes of software facilities for UP,
corporate management systems in the field of LM;
a knowledge structure that can be used as the basis for training and certification of UP specialists.
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